To our MadaLiving Community,
We are so saddened and our heart breaks at the devastating news of the attacks that took place in Atlanta, on Tuesday March 16, with the murder of 8 people at 3 separate spas in Georgia, 6 of the 8 were Asian, and all but 1 were women. We have been processing and mourning the loss of life and senseless violence that is rising and stand in solidarity with the Asian Community and ask what we can do in this time of support in the face of evil. We are terrified, livid, and mourning with you.
At MadaLiving, as an entity that is fighting for Malagasy representation, work towards decolonizing our minds, and fight for a more anti-racist, equitable, and just world, we cannot in good conscious sit by while our Asian neighbors, friends, and fellow citizens are experiencing heightened violence.
We have to be consistent in calling out and condemning all forms of violence especially towards marginalized communities. We must condemn Asian hate. This cannot continue. We cannot be silent or tolerate this to continue. What began as an American response and previous Trump administration going unchecked when Covid-19 first broke out and referring to Asians in general as "Bat eaters", "China Virus", and "Kung Flu", has continued to escalate leading to dangerous repercussions. People are continuing to use Covid-19 as an excuse to commit violence against Asian people and we must all do our duty to speak up now and take action.
Also, this is not an American-centric issue. Issues in the US mirror that of around the world just maybe at a more increase in attention but it does not negate that globally, Asians are experiencing racism and even in Madagascar where we have a major Chinese and Indian population. Step outside of the American media and attention and examine how in your own communities or self, you or a friend/neighbor/family member may have perpetuated false Asian stereotypes, seen microaggressions, straight up racism, and can see that it is a global issue.
This history of hate towards Asians especially Asian-Americans is not new and society must come to a reckoning that inaction will continue the violence towards our marginalized communities.
Below is an ongoing list of resources from activists to go through to help combat Asian hate but please, to be an ally you must do the work to help find solutions wherever at your personal/individual level, community level, workplace, and government level to tackle systems that will help to dismantle white supremacy and fight racism towards Asians, Black folks, Indigenous, people of color, and all marginalized communities. We must stop the hate now. If you see a hate crime, report it!